FORPSI datacenter in Ktiš has a capacity of more than 5000 servers. It uses the latest technologies to ensure high availability and protection of your data. The datacenter is owned exclusively by our company, which brings many advantages over renting a DC. The DC is under constant 24/7 surveillance and the core infrastructure is redundantly designed. It is located at an altitude of 762 m, so it is not at risk of flooding and the cold mountain air is used to cool the premises.

Building security

  • Access to the datacenter is protected by an electronic chip system with monitoring of the movement of people.
  • The outside area around the datacenter is monitored by a surveillance system.

Measures to maintain datacenter operation in the case of a disaster

  • Own substation with two SGB Dotz transformers, each with an output of 1000 kVA.
  • Redundant connectivity in each of the two halls of the datacenter through a fireproof wall.
  • A battery hall is separated from the rest of the datacenter.
  • Two backup power sources (diesel generators) and an underground tank for the aggregates to ensure operation for 60 hours.
  • Power supply from two independent electrical branches in each rack.
  • Two independent UPS groups for power supply of electrical branches.
  • The status of the power supply from the distribution network is monitored by several independent systems.

Fire protection

  • Fire and smoke detectors, automatic alarm.
  • W-PROTECT IG-541 automatic extinguishing system with inert extinguishing gas IG-541 (Inergen).
  • Fireproof walls and doors.
  • Protection of electrical equipment.

Risk management


Cloud a datacentra

ISO 9001:2016 Certificate

INTERNET CZ, a.s. has implemented and uses a quality management system in the fields of domain name registration, web hosting, server hosting, cloud services and electronic mail.

Cloud a datacentra

ISO 27001:2014 Certificate

Certifikát INTERNET CZ, a. s. has implemented and uses an information security management system in the fields of domain name registration, web hosting, server hosting, cloud services and electronic mail.

Energie a životní prostředí

CZ.NIC Certified registrar

Registrar certified for retail INTERNET CZ, a.s. has been awarded the maximum number of five stars in the .cz domain registrar certification system by the CZ.NIC association.

Our datacenters

The Ktiš datacenter is part of the European network of datacenters of the parent company Aruba.

  Forpsi Datacenter Map                     image/svg+xml                 Forpsi Datacenter Map                                 AREZZO, IT1                         AREZZO, IT2                         MILAN PSP, IT3                         PARIS, FR1                         FRANKFURT, DE1                         KTIŠ, CZ1                         WARSAW, PL1                         LONDON, UK1                   ROME, IT4      


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